The Eastern Cape Department of Education, Human Resource Planning and Employment Equity Planning Induction Indaba, was hosted at the Osner Hotel in East London on the 14 September 2017, to establish two committees.
Whilst ECDoE is trying to eliminate the notion of directorates and officials working in silos, while working within the same department, it is a prerequisite that members that are selected to sit on both committees, which are the Human Resource Planning and the Employment Equity Planning, that members are a collaboration of officials coming from various directorates together with other social partners.
During interview with Mbulelo Moeli, Chief Education Specialist (CES), at Human Resource Planning (HRP), he stated the importance of the formation of these committees, “The establishment of the committees are to ensure that all social partners can assist the department in ensuring effective and efficient service delivery to our clients, which are our learners, for improved learner performance.” Moeli also indicated that within an agreed upon time, the core function of these committees, will filter to the education districts and eventually to schools.
Felicia Jogie, a representative from the Office of the Premier elaborated on Diversity Management, highlighting the provincial turn-around plan, to ensure ongoing transformation of the culture of the Public Service, for effective and efficient delivery of services to the people of the province. Jogie then emphasized the two main pillars of this strategy.
1. Transforming the organizational culture.
2. Transforming human capital and talent management practices.
Jogie also stressed the importance of the Employment Equity plan feeding into the Human Resource plan.
Moeli gave clear direction and said, “After today, committees will sit quarterly and are responsible for the following: Effective employment processes, Development of strategic objectives of ECDoE, Monitoring of the agreed plan and finally Establishing of equity targets and Meeting of those employment equity targets.”
Messages of Support from various stakeholders were all positive, and all participants are eager to embark on the journey of making change at the ECDoE, all in the interest of the learners in the Eastern Cape.