Chris Hani West trains SGB members
School Governing Body (SGB) training workshop for Komani Circuit Management Centre (CMC) took place in Queenstown on the 31st August 2017.
The purpose of the workshop was to train the SGB members oo their roles and responsibilities at schools. Explaining more on the roles and responsibilities Goodwill SiphiwoBucwa, Chief Education Specialist (CES) for Institutional Development Support and Governance (IDS&G) at Chris Hani West said it is very important that the SGB, Principals, educators as well as learners work together towards the success of their children in schools. “In 2009 Government chose Education as a National Priority, this simply means that Education is key to success”
He further said that this is a continuation of what they have done in the past. “This is the last year of a3-year term for the current SGB, but we see it fit that we continue with all these training sessions as we all know that without the support of the SGB, Principals at schools find it very difficult to take the school forward. They should also be careful that they don’t find themselves to be used as weapons to fight battles they know nothing about, if all parties involved have the same vision they will find it easy to work together towards the success of that particular school”.
The training concentrated on the following:
- Roles and Responsibilities of the SGB
- School-Parent-Community Engagement
- Financial Management
Numbers Bedula, CES from IDS & said it is very important that the SGB know what is happening at their schools, it is also important that they involve all the other parents who are not members of the SGB as their children are affected by the decisions taken by management. “SGB members should know the financial state of the school, they must be told what the money will be used for as they are asked to sign as SGB members. Principals should be transparent and report back to the SGB on the financial state of the school”
Bedula thanked the parents for doing a great job and urged them to work harder for the success of their children.