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JLSS is a manufacturer. We offer a wide variety of projectors and projection screens for Home Theater, Boardroom, Conference Centre, Retail, Hospitality, Professional and Cinema applications. Projectors, Front Projection and…
Total views: 35


LAMPRO AUDIO was established in 2004 by its founder and owner, Hanroux Lamprecht. He is a professional sound and lighting technician whom has been actively involved in the entertainment industry…
Total views: 38

Mirrodex International (Pty) Ltd

Mirrodex International (Pty) Ltd, established in 1953, has manufactured a vast range of quality, innovative and reliable products for the educational, training, corporate and entertainment industry’s. . Our extensive manufacturing…
Total views: 51

Nate's Audio Visual

Nate’s Audio Visual Rentals is a production services company that provides very affordable HD Camera rental packages.Video and Film Equipment Rentals including Cameras, Lenses, Lighting, Grip, Audio & Sound, High-Definition…
Total views: 31

Riviera Studio & Blue Straggler Productions

The aim of the studio is to get people involved in the ever evolving sound media and entertainment industry of South-Africa and to better the standard and quality of S.A.…
Total views: 44

T Greyling & Co Inc

T Greyling & Co Inc.Ons spesialiseer in onder andere Boerderyondernemings, Algemene Handelaars, Vervaardigingsbedrywe, Besproeiingsrade en Watergebruikers Assosiasies. Vir 'n volledige lys van al ons dienste klik hier.
Total views: 54

Tax Networking

Tax Networking specialises in Income Tax, PAYE, SARS Audits, Vat and Customs. We target entities with a turnover of up to R100M per year. These services are applicable to legal…
Total views: 40


Through design, we incorporate both the practical and imaginative aspect of communication technology. Integration: State-of-the-art audio visual and video conferencing systems that are easy to use, seamlessly wired together, and…
Total views: 39

SCB IT Consulting

Authorised Reseller of the Pegasus Accountancy and Business systems. Pegasus award-winning software covers all aspects of your business, including accounting, CRM software, supply chain management, business intelligence, document management, manufacturing…
Total views: 33

SDK Chartered Accountants (SA)

SDK Chartered Accountants (SA) is a well-established firm of committed chartered accountants and registered auditors since the 1950’s. Our dynamic team consults with clients across a wide spectrum of industries.…
Total views: 61