Credit Manager

Duties & Responsibilities COLLECTIONS Manage efficient collection of loans identified for handling over in line with policies and procedures, inclusive of expedited action on urgent matters; Review all documentation compiled by collections clerk, required by debt collector/attorney; Manage performance of panel of attorneys and debt collectors; Provide final settlement amount to account manager on settlement of debt requests; Attend sales in execution auctions after judgement has been obtained; Co-ordinate and review payment of invoices from attorneys and collection. Write affidavit for reporting of fraud to SAPS investigations. Appear in court as witness for investigations; Submit and monitor insurance GMS death claims; Prepare and submit settlement proposals from debtors; Provide report to indicate that all available collateral was disposed of. FINANCIAL REPORT Prepare monthly financial reports on collection status as required; Prepare annual financial reports on collections as required PROCESS AND POLICY IMPROVEMENT Provide continuous feedback and input to management regarding improvements to current policies and procedure. DEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT Support departmental staff in achieving departmental goals and objectives; Attend loan adjudication committee as permanent member; Scrutinize and authorize Payment Requisitions on PROMUN; Manage loan finalization and cancellation of collateral;.