ECDoE Employees equipped with excellent customer care training
The Eastern Cape Education Department (ECDoE) in partnership with the National School Government hosted a three day Customer Care Training Course at the Fish River Sun International Hotel.
The training course is meant to equip workers with customer care skills, qualifications and bringing together the departmental workers as they are all employed towards mutual goals, missions and values. Eastern Cape Department of Education Customer Care Administrator, KhayaNakani welcomed the participants with a very powerful word of encouragement such, hoping that participants will have a fruitful and invigorating time whilst they learn the importance of dealing with customers in the 3 days.
Nakani also said that the main objective of offering this course is to capacitate our frontline staff officials in the department in particular and all ECDoE employees in general to render services to both our internal/external clients moving from or applying Batho Pele Principles”; said Nakani.
One of the NSG Facilitator,BaswabileMajila took the opportunity to tell participants about the importance of this course. “The course is aimed to improving the ability of frontline staff within the South African public service, to provide the broader public with a quality service”, said Majila.
After her presentation the participants were divided into four classes out of 25 each. Dayonewas all about introduction to the course and Ice breaker exercises in which participants shared their profile and answered various questions based on their personal experiences. Day Two was about discussions and answering formative assessments as the participants were preparing for portfolio of evidence then day three students were discussing previous activities, role play been done then answered few question from the portfolio of evidence.
ECDoE accounting clerk,FikileNcanywa said he was privileged to have attended the programme, not only by adding a certificate if found competent, but will surely apply everything that he has learned and will pass what he has learned to other colleagues in order to maintain departmental goals. He also wishes can attend these training courses to better or sharpen their working skills.