eNCA | Courtney Pieters’ murderer back in court

CAPE TOWN – The man who murdered three-year-old Courtney Pieters will be back in the Western Cape High Court on Tuesday.
Mortimer Saunders admitted to killing the Elsies River toddler last year.
READ: Murdered Cape toddler would not have survived poison: forensic toxicologist
Last week, a DNA expert testified that he had found a positive match of the accused’s semen on a top worn by Pieters on the day she died.
Saunders has confessed to poisoning, beating, choking and suffocating the child, but he denies raping her.
READ: Woman sobs as she recalls day she found Courtney Pieters’ body
The State has not accepted his pleas and is prosecuting him on charges of premeditated murder and rape.
A pathologist is expected to take the stand on Tuesday.