eNCA | IFP calls on govt to suspend fuel levies

PARLIAMENT – The Inkatha Freedom party has called on the government to intervene in the ever-increasing fuel price.
With the latest petrol price hike now officially in effect, motorists are having to dig into their pockets deeper than ever before at the petrol pumps.
READ: Truckers, taxis worst hit by fuel price hikes: Truckers Association of SA
The IFP approached National Assembly speaker, Baleka Mbete, to table a motion on the suspension of fuel levies.
The IFP’s Mkhuleko Hlengwa said, “The call we are making is to suspend the fuel levies… it will ease the challenges our people are facing… government should tighten its belt… cost cutting should become the order of the day …The Road Accident Fund is in turmoil, their finances are upside down …in terms of Parliament, let’s schedule a debate. Urgent steps need to be taken. It’s no longer sustainable for the consumer.”