eNCA | Sanco welcomes decreased farm murders, but urges authorities not to be complacent

JOHANNESBURG – The South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) has welcomed statistics released by AgriSA this week “confirming that farm murders have decreased to their lowest level in more than 20 years”, but urged authorities not to be complacent.
“The rural safety plan must be effective for violent crimes to be eradicated. The participation of all role-players in our farming communities is critical for the successful implementation of a proactive strategy to prevent farm attacks,” Sanco spokesman Jabu Mahlangu said on Saturday.
Promoting a culture of human rights and ending exploitation and abusive treatment of workers would contribute towards improving safety in farming communities. “Mutual trust and co-operation are key to peaceful and harmonious co-existence,” he said.
The review of the national crime prevention strategy would ensure that resources were allocated where they were needed most. “Partnerships with communities must be strengthened and dysfunctional crime prevention structures revived to tackle violent crimes that are terrorising our communities,” Mahlangu said.
According to a report released by AgriSA on Thursday, farm murders are at their lowest in over 20 years. Farm attacks in 2017/18 reportedly totalled 561 and associated murders 47.
African News Agency