Allocation of Final Post Distribution by Mr Themba Kojana ECDoE SG
As most of you are aware, the Department of Education is compelled by law to declare the teacher post establishment for the following year on or before 30 September. This is an annual exercise that requires that:
“The Member of the Executive Council responsible for Education in the province must determine the educator post establishment of the provincial department of education in terms of section 5(1) (B) of the ACT, 1998 (Act No. 76 of 1998) in accordance with any applicable policy made in terms of the National Education Policy Act of 1996.”
The legislation further commands, that, the formal act of declaration must be preceded by a consultation process with teacher unions and School Governing Body (SGB) associations that exist in the province.
This year, as in previous years, we have sought to manage this process through a management plan that guided all our actions and processes ahead of declaration. These included formal information sharing sessions with parties represented in the chamber and SGB Associations. The process of consultation began on the 28 June 2017, followed by the second round held on the 24 August 2017.The last session was on the 28 August 2017 when a formal declaration was made by the MEC.
The Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) played a critical role, in between the two MEC consultations, in the facilitation process with all the parties including the school governing body associations. Guiding principles were agreed upon that sought to resolve and put processes on areas that strengthened outcomes towards reaching stability in the supply and demand on human resource provisioning.
Education in the Eastern Cape, whilst it is still saddled with many challenges, it is also a fact that we have turned the corner. Indeed, there are many clear signals that attest to this:
- Labour relations, which were previously characterised by confrontation and mistrust, have improved markedly. There is more willingness to engage constructively on areas of disagreement.
- The agreements reached with teacher unions that resulted in Collective Agreement 1 of 2014, was a major milestone for the Department as it paved the way for movement of teachers who were additional to the establishment to where their services were required for operational reasons.
- Rationalisation of small and unviable school is well and truly underway. There is now growing acceptance that the best way to improve the capacity of schools to deliver quality basic education is through optimised pooling of resources in schools with adequate learner numbers.
It is evident that, in the circumstances, the Department is increasingly able to project required posts with more certainty because of increased verification of learner identifications. The same post provisioning norms and distribution model applies across all Provinces, and the Eastern Cape is also now undertaking the process seamlessly based on realistic verified figures. Whatever number is declared it must be accompanied by qualitative interventions and collective effort by all parties to ensure the success of this province. The Department’s preference is a post basket that provides for a balance between core curriculum imperatives and affordability.
Having weighed all the critical factors explored above, I have reached the conclusion to declare 54 026 as the 2018 Educator Post Establishment, with 6 377 for non-teaching support staff for public school.
Final Distribution of Posts by Superintendent General
Subsequent to the Declaration by acting MEC numerous consultations have been held that have resulted in the final distribution of posts being agreed upon on the 12 September 2017:
- An increase in posts from 53 538 to 54026 = 488 more posts
- No schools will have over 1:36 Teacher:Learner ratio
- 1 995 posts for Foundation Phase Support including Grade R
- Secondary schools and 1 teacher schools have a special consideration in the declaration
- No school loses a post unless there is a decrease of more than 40 learners from November 2016. In the event of a decrease, the teacher will move to where his services are needed most.
- 96% of schools gain or remain the same
Schools will be receiving new staff establishment as of the 20 September 2017. It is imperative that schools interact with them as it will affect their planning for 2018.
Issued by: Communications Section – Education Department, Eastern Cape
Inquiries: Loyiso Pulumani 083 275 0675 / Malibongwe Mtima 084 230 1976