Have your say on the NHI bill

The Portfolio Committee on Health has called on interested individuals and relevant stakeholders to submit written comments as well as indicate interest in making an oral submission on the National Health Insurance Bill [B11 – 2019].
The Bill further aims to create mechanisms for equitable, effective and efficient utilisation of the resources of the Fund to meet the health needs of the population, to preclude or limit undesirable, unethical and unlawful practices in relation to the Fund and its users and to provide for matters connected herewith.
Written submissions must be directed to Vuyokazi Majalamba and be addressed to the Portfolio Committee on Health 3rd floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town 8000, e-mailed to
or faxed to 086 6943279 by no later than 11 October 2019.
In addition to the written comments, individuals must indicate their interest in making a verbal presentation.
Copies of the Bill can be obtained from Vuyokazi Majalamba (021) 403 3770, cell 083 709 8522 or at www.parliament.gov.za.