| A sleep doctor reveals the 4 fastest ways to stop snoring

It’s fun to make noise in bed, but buzzing and wheezing aren’t the sexy sounds you have in mind. Follow these tried and tested tips to put a stop to your snoring.
1. Lighten your load
In a study in the journal Sleep and Biological Rhythms, overweight people were nearly 50% more likely to develop snoring problems over a four-year follow-up than normal-weight participants. That’s because fat deposits in your upper airway can obstruct your breathing, says Men’s Health sleep advisor Dr Christopher Winter.
“Even losing 2kg can make a huge difference,” says Dr Winter.
Read more: Is not exercising as bad as being obese?
2. Ditch two vices
Smokers are twice as likely to snore than people who don’t puff, finds a study from Howard University. Lighting up irritates your nasal passages, which decreases airflow and makes it hard to breathe through your nose, says Dr Winter.
Alcohol isn’t a great sleep aid either. In a study from Germany, guys who imbibed before bed snored more and louder than those who abstained. Booze relaxes your muscles, blocking the air passage in your throat, says Dr Winter. Cut yourself off a couple hours before hitting the sack.
Read more: 5 ways to stop smoking – and keep that new year’s resolution
3. Back off your back
Sleeping on your back boosts your odds of snoring through the night. The position makes your airway less stable and more likely to collapse, says Dr Winter. The solution: snooze on your side. In a study from the Netherlands, people who slept that way were less likely to snore than those on their backs.
If you struggle to maintain the position overnight, Dr Winter recommends something called the Night Shift Sleep Positioner. Strap the device around your neck before you go to sleep. It will vibrate when you roll on your back, increasing in intensity until you wake up and rearrange yourself.
Read more: What your sleep position is telling you – and the pyjamas you should be wearing
4. Throw a concert in your car
Singers score significantly lower on a snoring scale than people who keep their mouths shut, according to research from the UK. Singing strengthens the muscles in your soft palate and upper throat, so they’re less likely to collapse and block your airway.
Fortunately, you don’t have to sound like Sinatra to experience the effects for yourself. The researchers suggest that any type of singing for a small amount of time each day could be beneficial. There’s your excuse to belt out on your drive to work.
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