| SEE: How plastic surgery has evolved

Over the years, plastic surgery has evolved and become incredibly popular. Several television shows have been created around the industry – fiction and reality.
Dating back to the 6th century BC, it’s believed that an ancient Indian healer, Sushrata, pioneered rhinoplasty and that he treated members of the royal family.
Techniques gradually improved, and those who fought in wars and who were severely disfigured were given hope and a chance of looking “normal” again.
Today, issues like plastic surgery addiction, corrective plastic surgery and people wanting “famous faces” have emerged. Shows like Botched, Dr. 90210, and I Want a Famous Face were created to document the lives of various people and their plastic surgery experiences.
A well-known figure subjected to extreme and excessive plastic surgery procedures is the catwoman, Jocelyn Wildenstein, who is believed to have had extensive surgery done to please her ex-husband who loved big cats.