Marketing Coordinator & Graphic Designer

Junior Graphic Designer required with marketing coordination experience
Experience with the following applications:
- Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
- Microsoft Office
- Book and submit adverts for local publications, newspapers, holiday booklets. Order requests to be sent and payment deadlines to be done ahead of required time.
- Ensuring print media is up to date for all developments and estates
- Ensure updated assets are on Sharepoint for use on social media, email and print. This includes updated posters, flyers, electronic brochures and e-mailers.
- Sales packs, macro plan developments and brochures to be kept up to date and relevant
- Coordinate design and implementation of signage for estates, office, Retail Centre and vehicles
- Frequent reassessment of Customer Persona’s to ensure we are targeting the correct audiences.
- Look for new publications and advertising opportunities (billboards, branding) to promote brands for effective ROI
- Respond to/ analyse sponsorship requests in terms of best ROI
- Submit press releases for newsworthy events (Local Papers)
- Generate and coordinate content for monthly estate newsletter alongside Senior Designer (to be sent out on 18th of every month).
- Generate and coordinate content for Quarterly External Agency e-newsletters alongside Senior Designer
- Draft and initiate Internal Memo’s to be circulated to staff members
- Draft and initiate Internal communication incl new staff announcements, celebrations, events
- Plan and coordinate launch events, mall activations staff events, property presentations and ad hoc celebrations
- Boost popular posts and schedule relevant adverts on social media platforms. Continuously track performance of posts
- Ensuring digital assets are correct for all developments and estates
- Respond to any queries that might come through
- Ensure social media pages for all brands are continuously updated with new and relevant information. 3-4 posts per week required for all four facebook pages.
- Look for ways to promote estates, agents, rentals and home loans and developments through social media and online tools
- Monthly strategy meetings to decide on focus and themes for social media efforts
- Update Social Media galleries as and when required (new construction images, new home owners, new house types)
- Ensure accurate calendar of events, dates, celebratory days are included on social media platforms.
- Ammend office hours on public holidays so clients do not think we are open/ closed (Google My Business for all offices (DIY Depot, Retail Centre, and all Social Media)
- Strategise new and exciting content to be utilised on various online media tools with Senior Designer to promote estates via video’s and blogs
- Monthly digital campaign meetings with Spitfire Consulting to ensure the correct message is advertised.
- Ensure new content is generated for all digital platforms including Youtube Channel
- Monthly consolidation of CRM system Deals with Sales Board to ensure sales figures are captured correctly and balance. Checking each deal on Tersia’s report and ensuring that the correct details are captured
- Monthly check that Deed of Sale’s received are captured accurately on CRM system to reflect client demographics (age, sex, demographics, location etc) for reporting purposes
- Continuous monitoring and support of user activity on system
- Weekly meetings with agents and management to ensure that CRM System accurately reflects sales figures
- Training new users on how to utilise system
- Monthly Conversion reporting to track sales reported vs actual sales conversion
- Assisting with any additional changes or amendments of CRM system set up
- Setting up lists when agents have events coming up for easy data capturing, and ensuring that the lead is allocated to the correct agent thereafter
- Updating Deal information when new Estate/Phase is created and agents need to start selling
- Annual Marketing Budget to be maintained
- Keep track of monthly budget vs what was projected to ensure there is no overspend
- Request quotations from multiple suppliers to ensure the best prices are considered.
- Request orders from procurement
- Ensure delivery dates are met by suppliers
- Balance all marketing supplier accounts with orders to ensure finance department is up to date with amounts owing
- Coordinate payments of invoices with finance to ensure timely payments are made to avoid delay in delivery
- Request approval from CEO for larger assets as and when needed
- Request approval from CEO for campaigns outside of budget
- Generate separate budget spreadsheet for DIY Depot expenses and KB Retail Centre expenses
- Assist agent orders where applicable: Business cards/diaries/calendars/ etc
- Frequent meetings with Sales Manager to ensure correct focus is placed on specific products needing to be sold
- Coordinating of daily design tasks with Senior Designer required through online project management system: Asana
- Implement required design changes with Senior Designer to ensure all assets are updated (digital, print, sales packs, price lists etc)
- Communicate and coordinate monthly digital strategy with Spitfire Consulting (Google Adwords, PPC, Display) and advise what they need to focus on for upcoming months.
- Filter and analyse requests from all agents, and staff members for design work required
- Conduct Monthly strategy meetings to brainstorm new ideas, campaigns and design requirements with Senior Designer
- Implement weekly strategy calendar to ensure all tasks get attended to
- Assist Senior Designer with copywriting for all new assets and brochures
- Proofing all assets before production and implementation
- Proofing print assets prior to production
- Ensure assets are sent for print and publication on time to meet required deadlines
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