People Who Lost a Combined 6,818 Lbs. Struggle with Excess Skin on My 600-Lb. Life: Skin Tight

“My skin makes me look like a circus freak,” says one woman in this exclusive clip from the new season.
Losing hundreds of pounds is tough enough, but for many people it comes with the added complication of excess skin. That challenge is the focus of My 600-Lb. Life: Skin Tight, which starts its third season on March 7.
This season features 29 people who have lost a whopping total of 6,818 lbs. But instead of celebrating their accomplishment, many are frustrated with the loose layer of skin covering their bodies.
“My skin makes me look like a circus freak,” says one woman in this exclusive clip from the new season.
“It looks like I’ve melted,” adds a man.
“This extra skin is a punishment worse than death,” says another woman.
“I lost 320 lbs., but I’m still reminded of being the fat girl,” adds a third.
With the help of Dr. Younan Nowzaradan and other plastic surgeons, those 29 people will get skin removal surgery and, hopefully, will finally feel comfortable in their bodies.
“I’m one step closer to being able to live a real life,” says one woman.
My 600-Lb. Life: Skin Tight premieres March 7 at 10/9c on TLC.