Professional Nurses Adult Paeds Nnciu Urgent

~~~~professional Nurses~~~~~ all intensive care units ****urgent**** trained and experienced ICU sisters only surgical ICU medical ICU SCCU PCCU CCU ~~~all intensive care units urgent~~~ registration with South African nursing council essential . experienced & trained professional nurses only SA citizens or valid work permit for South Africa only vent competent in your own specialized intensive care unit at least 3-5 years exp in critical care units ctc neg, depending on qualification and experience maximum number of pages = 8 please forward CV and payslip only to email positions will only be discussed once we have received your cv once cv forwarded, please call trudie on 082 350 3753 monday to friday between 09h00 and 15h00 only we are looking for you if you snooze< you loose call us, we are looking for you, yes you ~~~~~its urgent ~~~~~~